
To use the Zig SDK, first make sure that you have the .NET 6 SDK (or later) installed.

Next, create a global.json file in the root of your repository and add an entry for the Vezel.Zig.Sdk package under the msbuild-sdks property:

  "msbuild-sdks": {
    "Vezel.Zig.Sdk": "x.y.z"

(Replace x.y.z with the actual NuGet package version.)

Next, create a project file. A library project is as simple as:

<Project Sdk="Vezel.Zig.Sdk" />

An executable project looks like:

<Project Sdk="Vezel.Zig.Sdk">

The project file extension determines the language your code will be compiled as - .cproj for C, .cxxproj for C++, and .zigproj for Zig.

The convention used by the Zig SDK is that C projects should use a .c extension for source files and .h for header files, while C++ projects should use .cxx and .hxx. Zig projects use .zig.

For C/C++ projects, it does not matter what you name your source and header files. For Zig executable projects, your root source file should be named main.zig. Zig library projects should use the project name for the root source file; that is, if your project file is mylib.zigproj, your root source file should be mylib.zig.

Once you have written some code, you can use dotnet build, dotnet run, etc.

Last updated